Package mdp :: Package graph :: Class Graph
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Class Graph

Represent a directed graph.

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
_bfs(self, neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=None)
_dfs(self, neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=None)
add_edge(self, head, tail, data=None)
Add an edge going from head to tail.
add_full_connectivity(self, from_nodes, to_nodes)
Add full connectivity from a group of nodes to another one.
add_node(self, data=None)
add_nodes(self, data)
Add many nodes at once.
add_tree(self, tree)
Add a tree to the graph.
bfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)
Return a list of nodes in some Breadth First order starting from a root node.
Return a list of lists containing the nodes of all connected components of the graph.
dfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)
Return a list of nodes in some Depth First order starting from a root node.
Return True if the graph is weakly connected.
remove_edge(self, edge)
remove_node(self, node)
Perform a topological sort of the nodes.
undirected_bfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)
Perform Breadth First sort.
undirected_dfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)
Perform Depth First sort.

Inherited from unreachable.newobject: __long__, __native__, __nonzero__, __unicode__, next

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

_bfs(self, neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=None)


_dfs(self, neighbors_fct, root, visit_fct=None)


add_edge(self, head, tail, data=None)

Add an edge going from head to tail.
head : head node
tail : tail node

add_full_connectivity(self, from_nodes, to_nodes)

Add full connectivity from a group of nodes to another one.
Return a list of lists of edges, one for each node in 'from_nodes'.

Example: create a two-layer graph with full connectivity.
>>> g = Graph()
>>> layer1 = g.add_nodes(10)
>>> layer2 = g.add_nodes(5)
>>> g.add_full_connectivity(layer1, layer2)

add_node(self, data=None)


add_nodes(self, data)

Add many nodes at once.

data -- number of nodes to add or sequence of data values, one for
        each new node

add_tree(self, tree)

Add a tree to the graph.

The tree is specified with a nested list of tuple, in a LISP-like
notation. The values specified in the list become the values of
the single nodes.

Return an equivalent nested list with the nodes instead of the values.

>>> a=b=c=d=e=None
>>> g.add_tree( (a, b, (c, d ,e)) )
corresponds to this tree structure, with all node values set to None:

       /               b   c
         /                 d   e

bfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)

Return a list of nodes in some Breadth First order starting from
a root node. If defined, visit_fct is applied on each visited node.

Note the returned list does not have to contain all nodes in the
graph, but only the ones reachable from the root.


Return a list of lists containing the nodes of all connected
components of the graph.

dfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)

Return a list of nodes in some Depth First order starting from
a root node. If defined, visit_fct is applied on each visited node.

The returned list does not have to contain all nodes in the
graph, but only the ones reachable from the root.


Return True if the graph is weakly connected.

remove_edge(self, edge)


remove_node(self, node)



Perform a topological sort of the nodes. If the graph has a cycle,
throw a GraphTopologicalException with the list of successfully
ordered nodes.

undirected_bfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)

Perform Breadth First sort.

This function is identical to bfs, but the sort is performed on
the equivalent undirected version of the graph.

undirected_dfs(self, root, visit_fct=None)

Perform Depth First sort.

This function is identical to dfs, but the sort is performed on
the equivalent undirected version of the graph.