Package mdp :: Package nodes :: Class CCIPCANode
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Class CCIPCANode

Candid-Covariance free Incremental Principal Component Analysis (CCIPCA) extracts the principal components from the input data incrementally.


More information about Candid-Covariance free Incremental Principal Component Analysis can be found in Weng J., Zhang Y. and Hwang W., Candid covariance-free incremental principal component analysis, IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 25, 1034--1040, 2003.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, amn_params=(20, 200, 2000, 3), init_eigen_vectors=None, var_rel=1, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, numx_rng=None)
Initializes an object of type 'CCIPCANode'.
Print all args.
_amnesic(self, n)
Return amnesic weights.
_check_params(self, *args)
Initialize parameters.
_execute(self, x, n=None)
Project the input on the first 'n' principal components.
_inverse(self, y, n=None)
Project 'y' to the input space using the first 'n' components.
_train(self, x)
Update the principal components.
execute(self, x, n=None)
Project the input on the first 'n' principal components. If 'n' is not set, use all available components.
get_projmatrix(self, transposed=1)
Return the projection matrix.
get_recmatrix(self, transposed=1)
Return the back-projection matrix (i.e. the reconstruction matrix).
Return reducible dimensionality based on the set thresholds.
Return the variance that can be explained by self._output_dim PCA components.
inverse(self, y, n=None)
Project 'y' to the input space using the first 'n' components. If 'n' is not set, use all available components.
train(self, x)
Update the principal components.

Inherited from unreachable.newobject: __long__, __native__, __nonzero__, __unicode__, next

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__

    Inherited from OnlineNode
__add__(self, other)
_check_input(self, x)
Return the list of training types supported by this node.
_pre_execution_checks(self, x)
This method contains all pre-execution checks. It can be used when a subclass defines multiple execution methods.
_pre_inversion_checks(self, y)
This method contains all pre-inversion checks.
_set_numx_rng(self, rng)
Return the index of the current training iteration.
Return input dimensions.
set_numx_rng(self, rng)
Set numx random number generator. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._set_numx_rng when needed.
set_training_type(self, training_type)
Sets the training type
stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs)
Stop the training phase.
    Inherited from Node
__call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs)
Calling an instance of Node is equivalent to calling its execute method.
_check_output(self, y)
_check_train_args(self, x, *args, **kwargs)
Return the list of dtypes supported by this node.
_refcast(self, x)
Helper function to cast arrays to the internal dtype.
_set_dtype(self, t)
_set_input_dim(self, n)
_set_output_dim(self, n)
_stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs)
copy(self, protocol=None)
Return a deep copy of the node.
Return the index of the current training phase.
Return dtype.
Return input dimensions.
Return output dimensions.
Return the number of training phases still to accomplish.
Return dtypes supported by the node as a list of numpy.dtype objects.
Return True if the node has multiple training phases.
Return True if the node is in the training phase, False otherwise.
save(self, filename, protocol=-1)
Save a pickled serialization of the node to filename. If filename is None, return a string.
set_dtype(self, t)
Set internal structures' dtype.
set_input_dim(self, n)
Set input dimensions.
set_output_dim(self, n)
Set output dimensions.
Static Methods [hide private]
    Inherited from Node
Return True if the node can be inverted, False otherwise.
Return True if the node can be trained, False otherwise.
Instance Variables [hide private]
Properties [hide private]
numpy.ndarray init_eigen_vectors
Return initialized eigen vectors (principal components).

Inherited from object: __class__

    Inherited from OnlineNode
List of tuples:
Numpy seeded random number generator
Training type (Read only)
    Inherited from Node
Input dimensions
Output dimensions
Supported dtypes
Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, amn_params=(20, 200, 2000, 3), init_eigen_vectors=None, var_rel=1, input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, numx_rng=None)

Initializes an object of type 'CCIPCANode'.
  • amn_params (tuple) - Amnesic parameters. Default set to (n1=20,n2=200,m=2000,c=3). For n < n1, ~ moving average. For n1 < n < n2 - Transitions from moving average to amnesia. m denotes the scaling param and c typically should be between (2-4). Higher values will weigh recent data.
  • init_eigen_vectors (numpy.ndarray) - Initial eigen vectors. Default - randomly set.
  • var_rel (int) - Ratio cutoff to get reduced dimensionality. (Explained variance of reduced dimensionality <= beta * Total variance). Default is 1.
  • input_dim (int) - Dimensionality of the input. Default is None.
  • output_dim (int) - Dimensionality of the output. Default is None.
  • dtype (numpy.dtype, str) - Datatype of the input. Default is None.
  • numx_rng ()
Overrides: object.__init__

(Representation operator)

Print all args.
Returns: str
A string that contains all argument names and their values.
Overrides: object.__repr__

_amnesic(self, n)

Return amnesic weights.

:param n:
:type n:

_check_params(self, *args)

Initialize parameters.

:param args:
:type args:

Overrides: OnlineNode._check_params

_execute(self, x, n=None)

Project the input on the first 'n' principal components.
If 'n' is not set, use all available components.

:param x: The data to project.
:type x: numpy.ndarray

:param n: The number of first principal components to project on.
:type n: int

:return: The projected data.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray

Overrides: Node._execute

_inverse(self, y, n=None)

Project 'y' to the input space using the first 'n' components.
If 'n' is not set, use all available components.

:param y: Data in the output space along the principal components.
:type y: numpy.ndarray

:param n: The number of first principal components to use.
:type n: int

:return: The projected data in the input space.
:rtype: numpy.ndarray

Overrides: Node._inverse

_train(self, x)

Update the principal components.

:param x: Data vectors.
:type x: numpy.ndarray

Overrides: Node._train

execute(self, x, n=None)

Project the input on the first 'n' principal components. If 'n' is not set, use all available components.
  • x (numpy.ndarray) - The data to project.
  • n (int) - The number of first principal components to project on.
Returns: numpy.ndarray
The projected data.
Overrides: Node.execute

get_projmatrix(self, transposed=1)

Return the projection matrix.
Returns: numpy.ndarray
The projection matrix.

get_recmatrix(self, transposed=1)

Return the back-projection matrix (i.e. the reconstruction matrix).
Returns: numpy.ndarray
The back-projection matrix.


Return reducible dimensionality based on the set thresholds.


Return the variance that can be explained by self._output_dim PCA components.
Returns: float
The explained variance.

inverse(self, y, n=None)

Project 'y' to the input space using the first 'n' components. If 'n' is not set, use all available components.
  • y (numpy.ndarray) - Data in the output space along the principal components.
  • n (int) - The number of first principal components to use.
Returns: numpy.ndarray
The projected data in the input space.
Overrides: Node.inverse

train(self, x)

Update the principal components.
  • x (numpy.ndarray) - Data vectors.
Overrides: Node.train

Instance Variable Details [hide private]





Property Details [hide private]


Return initialized eigen vectors (principal components).
Get Method:
unreachable.init_eigen_vectors(self) - Return initialized eigen vectors (principal components).
Set Method:
unreachable.init_eigen_vectors(self, init_eigen_vectors=None) - Set initial eigen vectors (principal components).