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It can sometimes be useful to execute arbitrary functions at the end of the training or execution phase, for example to save the internal structures of a node for later analysis. This can easily be done by defining a CheckpointFlow. As an example imagine the following situation: you want to perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on your data to reduce the dimensionality. After this you want to expand the signals into a nonlinear space and then perform Slow Feature Analysis to extract slowly varying signals. As the expansion will increase the number of components, you don’t want to run out of memory, but at the same time you want to keep as much information as possible after the dimensionality reduction. You could do that by specifying the percentage of the total input variance that has to be conserved in the dimensionality reduction. As the number of output components of the PCA node now can become as large as the that of the input components, you want to check, after training the PCA node, that this number is below a certain threshold. If this is not the case you want to abort the execution and maybe start again requesting less variance to be kept.

Let start defining a generator to be used through the whole example

>>> def gen_data(blocks,dims):
...     mat = np.random.random((dims,dims))-0.5
...     for i in xrange(blocks):
...         # put variables on columns and observations on rows
...         block = mdp.utils.mult(np.random.random((1000,dims)), mat)
...         yield block

Define a PCANode which reduces dimensionality of the input, a PolynomialExpansionNode to expand the signals in the space of polynomials of degree 2 and a SFANode to perform SFA

>>> pca = mdp.nodes.PCANode(output_dim=0.9)
>>> exp = mdp.nodes.PolynomialExpansionNode(2)
>>> sfa = mdp.nodes.SFANode()

As you see we have set the output dimension of the PCANode to be 0.9. This means that we want to keep at least 90% of the variance of the original signal. We define a PCADimensionExceededException that has to be thrown when the number of output components exceeds a certain threshold

>>> class PCADimensionExceededException(Exception):
...     """Exception base class for PCA exceeded dimensions case."""
...     pass

Then, write a CheckpointFunction that checks the number of output dimensions of the PCANode and aborts if this number is larger than max_dim

>>> class CheckPCA(mdp.CheckpointFunction):
...     def __init__(self,max_dim):
...         self.max_dim = max_dim
...     def __call__(self,node):
...         node.stop_training()
...         act_dim = node.get_output_dim()
...         if act_dim > self.max_dim:
...             errstr = 'PCA output dimensions exceeded maximum '+\
...                      '(%d > %d)'%(act_dim,self.max_dim)
...             raise PCADimensionExceededException, errstr
...         else:
...             print 'PCA output dimensions = %d'%(act_dim)

Define the CheckpointFlow

>>> flow = mdp.CheckpointFlow([pca, exp, sfa])

To train it we have to supply 3 generators and 3 checkpoint functions

>>> flow.train([gen_data(10, 50), None, gen_data(10, 50)], 
...            [CheckPCA(10), None, None])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in ?
__main__.PCADimensionExceededException: PCA output dimensions exceeded maximum (25 > 10)

The training fails with a PCADimensionExceededException. If we only had 12 input dimensions instead of 50 we would have passed the checkpoint

>>> flow[0] = mdp.nodes.PCANode(output_dim=0.9)
>>> flow.train([gen_data(10, 12), None, gen_data(10, 12)],
...            [CheckPCA(10), None, None])
PCA output dimensions = 7

We could use the built-in CheckpoinSaveFunction to save the SFANode and analyze the results later

>>> pca = mdp.nodes.PCANode(output_dim=0.9)
>>> exp = mdp.nodes.PolynomialExpansionNode(2)
>>> sfa = mdp.nodes.SFANode()
>>> flow = mdp.CheckpointFlow([pca, exp, sfa])
>>> flow.train([gen_data(10, 12), None, gen_data(10, 12)],
...            [CheckPCA(10),
...             None,
...             mdp.CheckpointSaveFunction('dummy.pic',
...                                        stop_training = 1,
...                                        protocol = 0)])
PCA output dimensions = 6

We can now reload and analyze the SFANode

>>> fl = file('dummy.pic')
>>> import cPickle
>>> sfa_reloaded = cPickle.load(fl)
>>> sfa_reloaded
SFANode(input_dim=27, output_dim=27, dtype='float64')

Don’t forget to clean the rubbish

>>> fl.close()
>>> import os
>>> os.remove('dummy.pic')